30 Cal Sound Board

After some much needed assembly work from Rob, the sound board for the 30 cals is now up and running.  Everything for the board came as a kit and needed to be soldered together and this is where Rob came through big time!  My soldering skills are really quite crappy 🙂

I recorded a machine gun sound effect onto the board and gave it a try.  I also soldered on two leads for the play switch so that I can trigger the playback from the throttle quadrant.  Check out the video below which doesn’t quite capture the full sound and volume of the playback, but it will give you the general idea.

4 thoughts on “30 Cal Sound Board

  1. Hey brother…..Mike/Dark Talon here from the BOTB.
    Was wondering if you might send some info about that sound board? Some machine gun sounds is just what the Bat-Vette needs!

    1. Hi Mike,

      This is where I bought the kit:

      But I also want to give you a heads up. It comes as a kit. As in, it is all in pieces and you need to solder it to the board. So if you’re not comfortable with soldering circuit boards, or know someone who is, there might be a better alternative out there.

      I was surprised when it arrived in a bag of parts and was lucky enough to have someone who was good at circuits and soldering

      1. Ok cool…thanks man! I’ll have to look into it if I can find someone around here that knows how to solder up boards.
        As of right now, I’ve been using a sound app on my iPhone & running it through the car stereos bluetooth.

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