Seats Turned Out Great!

I had been waiting to have the interior finished before getting the seats re-upholstered to make sure that everything fit and there was no need to keep installing/removing the seats all the time to check spacing.  All the in and out of the car can take its toll on nicely finished pieces, so I wanted to beat on the old seats before finishing them off 🙂

There were a few options for finishing off the seats but I really wanted to do them in vinyl instead of leather.  Vinyl would give a durable surface for me to step onto when getting in and out of the vehicle that I wouldn’t be thinking “oh god not my shoe on the leather” every time I had to get in and out.  Simple and easy to clean.

But that posed a bit of a challenge.  I’m used to re-upholster kits where you get the leather pre-stitched and then you remove the old cloth and attach the new leather.  But these kits rarely come in vinyl and they are usually for all 4 seats in a vehicle.  That meant I was likely better off looking for a custom job from a local upholstery shop.

I decided to take the seats to R.C. Auto Trim where I was able to talk to Robin who provided both great advice and service.  We matched up the grain and the gloss of the vinyl that was used for the rest of the interior and he got to work.  The end result was awesome!  They went the extra mile by glueing all of the surfaces to the foam so the vinyl doesn’t feel like a cover at all and moves with the foam of the seat.

I’m very happy with the end result and can’t wait to get them installed in the BatBerry once all of the body work is complete

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