New Seats and Control Board

My lunch break on Friday was quite productive!  I took a drive out to Markham and picked up my front seats for $50.  I’ve been looking around for a set through the winter, but with the summer here people are starting to clean out their garages.

The seats are from a 1996-2000 civic which fit the need for low profile sliders because there isn’t much head room in the BatBerry.  I’ll have to re-do the headrests to better match the actual seats from the movie and then get the seats re-upholstered with some good quality black vinyl.

Vinyl you ask? Yes… I’ll be getting in and out of the car by stepping on the seats so I’ll need something durable that can be easily cleaned.

I was also visiting Ottawa for two days this past week visiting QNX systems and they pointed me in the right direction for a computer board that will control the switches of all of the systems on the car.  The board that’s now on its way is the Fusion Brain v.6.

I should be able to control this board from the USB port of the PlayBook 🙂

I’ll have to start playing around when it gets here!

6 thoughts on “New Seats and Control Board

  1. I think if you get Integra headrests or EF Civic headrests, it will match the original much better 😉

  2. Both the PlayBook and this board have USB client chipsets (not host). So it wont work to connect them.

    1. The guys at QNX assure me that I can use the board. Working at RIM I can get some “internal tweaks” that let me do some interesting things 🙂

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